External Coatings

External Corrosion Control

Permian Enterprises pioneered External Corrosion Control

Permian Enterprises pioneered External Corrosion Control with our Ryt Wrap system. Applicable to all sizes of OCTG, Ryt Wrap can be applied to tubing and casing.

To prevent corrosion on the external Production Tubing, Permian Enterprises is proud to present Permi-Steel. A revolutionary approach to handle corrosion-related failures.

For more information call (432) 332-0903.

Permian Enterprises provides downhole, pipeline and flowline products. For severe corrosion Ryt-Wrap is recommended. For flowlines and pipelines, Synergy is recommended.

For more information call (432) 332-0903.

Ryt Wrap® is designed by saturating a thermoplastic


Ryt Wrap® is designed by saturating a thermoplastic membrane with our proprietary epoxy. Once cured, Ryt Wrap® offers a robust corrosion barrier protecting the external surface of Tubing and Casing from the harshest corrosive elements.

Permian Enterprises introduces Ryt-Wrap® external pipe coating, which provides better protection in a range of production environments. By sourcing our own fabrics and epoxy materials, Permian Enterprises is able to apply new thermoplastic materials by an industry proven coating technique.

Tubing Applications: Ryt Wrap protects the OD of Tubing by providing excellent corrosion and enhanced abrasion resistance to the Outer Diameter of Tubing during Annular Flow as well as when tubing is isolated between packers.

Casing Applications: Ryt Wrap offers protection to the casing in two ways. Ryt Wrap’s unique system creates a profile to cement which improves the Hydraulic Bond Strength as compared to Bare Casing. This ensures better adhesion to the cement and minimizes the risk of fluid channeling.

Our Epoxy resin ensures that any fluid that does penetrate through the casing, either through loss circulation or a poor cement job, does not contact the surface of the pipe. Because of this, Ryt Wrap has been a staple for customers drilling through High Porous Zones.

Read more about the benefits of external coating in this white paper: A Hole in Your Pocket

These new polymer material combinations extend the performance range where typical wrap products are used, and meet your specific corrosion and abrasion protection needs.

Permian Enterprises’ Corrosion Control group continues to offer you the leading edge products and services needed for today’s oil and gas industry.

Read more about the benefits of external coating in this white paper: A Hole in Your Pocket

Recommended Services



More Product Information

Temperature: 300°F (148°C)

Pressure: High Pressures

Test Conditions: Extend the Performance Range

Time Period: Excellent

primary-ipc-101 synergy


Synergy™ is a multilayer plant coating system consisting of a thermally activated primer, a cross-linked, themoplastic elastomer layer, and a tough polyolefin top layer. During application the three layers are fused, resulting in strong mechanical and chemical bonds that maximize performance. Thermal fusion generates mechanical toughness and superior anticorrosion properties that ensure long-term positive pipeline protection.

Permian Enterprises introduces Ryt-Wrap® external pipe coating, which provides better protection in a range of production environments. By sourcing our own fabrics and epoxy materials, Permian Enterprises is able to apply new thermoplastic materials by an industry proven coating technique.

Product Advantages

Thermally fused polymetric system
Impermeable to oxygen and moisture
High shear resistance
Incorporated SCC inhibitors
Low cathodic protection costs
Durable and reliable
Flexible system design

Primer Layer

Elastomer Layer

Polyolefin Layer

More Product Information

Peel Adhesion to Pipe:

Cathodic Disbondment:

Water Vapor Transmission Rate:

Impact Resistance:

Penetration Resistance:

Bend Flexibility:

Volume Resistivity:

Dielectric Strength:

Temperature Range:

Our service technicians are on standby for seamless installations. Kindly provide advance notice for scheduling. To request assistance, please dial 432-227-6402.